Their promises they'd kept.
Beast of Winter begins with a letter. You are cordially invited to an island at the very bottom of the map made home by the worshippers of Rymrgand. Rymrgand, the beast of the DLC’s title, is the god of collapse: famine, plague, and disaster. The locals call you Duskspeaker - they’ve seen the way death follows in your wake, and they’re really into it.
“The people there throw a feast in your honour,” Scokel says. “Because they respect the way that you go about messing things up.”
Тут я все же не выдержу и еще раз принесу цитату из эндгеймовых слайдов White March:
"визит Хранителя в Сталварт еще долго считался дурным предзнаменованием"
When asked whether Beast of Winter’s story is commentary on the player as a destructive force in the Archipelago, Scokel phrases it another way.
“There’s certainly a recognition of the destructive nature of a protagonist in an RPG,” he says. “The world spins around the player, and these cultists have recognised that and placed you within the context of their own myths.”
The cult says you’re the harbinger of the end. Frankly, they can’t wait for the cataclysm.

Beast of Winter begins with a letter. You are cordially invited to an island at the very bottom of the map made home by the worshippers of Rymrgand. Rymrgand, the beast of the DLC’s title, is the god of collapse: famine, plague, and disaster. The locals call you Duskspeaker - they’ve seen the way death follows in your wake, and they’re really into it.
“The people there throw a feast in your honour,” Scokel says. “Because they respect the way that you go about messing things up.”
Тут я все же не выдержу и еще раз принесу цитату из эндгеймовых слайдов White March:
"визит Хранителя в Сталварт еще долго считался дурным предзнаменованием"
When asked whether Beast of Winter’s story is commentary on the player as a destructive force in the Archipelago, Scokel phrases it another way.
“There’s certainly a recognition of the destructive nature of a protagonist in an RPG,” he says. “The world spins around the player, and these cultists have recognised that and placed you within the context of their own myths.”
The cult says you’re the harbinger of the end. Frankly, they can’t wait for the cataclysm.
голос ничо так, ничоспасибо! мы наконец-то узнаем о нем больше...
интекрсено, почему он так минотвров любит...
а вообще я думал думала....
знаешь... а он любит минотавров.... и эльфов.
... а может как раз группа белых эльфов в результате его воздействия станут классическими темными эльфами и с анут ему как энтропии поклоняться?)
The first downloadable-content pack (DLC), ‘Beast Of Winter’ will take your party to an island populated by a mysterious doomsday cult, that hides an ancient secret. Players will get to experience adventuring in ‘The Beyond,’ a mysterious dimension populated by ancient souls and filled with devilish challenges.
И вот, вроде бы, новый годлайк.
Люблю этот культ. Ожидание конца света и почитание ГГ как творителя хуйни в этом мире - дайте два.
а сказали что он рима, или просто показали?
У Римгранда-Тура тож по три глаза с каждой стороны. Когда вся компашка богов с ГГ болтает, на рисунке это видно.