Their promises they'd kept.
Вот за что я люблю игры на движке Unity - так это за то, что все текстовые файлы там лежат в отдельной папке в формате stringtable. Достать легко, читать сравнительно удобно. Единственный минус - не подписаны говорящие, так что иногда смотришь на реплику и играешь в "угадай мелодию".
В общем, вчера я растерзала папку с диалогами из Нуменеры. Спойлеры мне не жмут, а вот узнать ответ на один давно возникший вопрос очень даже хотелось.
Спойлеры.Там правда очень серьезный спойлер, который может все вам порушить.Увиденного не развидеть!Ну все, теперь дороги назад нет.
С самого первого просмотра пролога меня не покидало ощущение, что Спектр явно лжет. Вот просто ЯВНО. Начать хотя бы с его речи во время пробуждения и заканчивая всеми последующими разговорами. Чувак явно знает намного больше, чем рассказывает. Все это слишком не вязалось с "да ладно тебе, я просто кусочек твоего сознания, я это ты".
На реддите и оффоруме мои сомнения как-то никто не разделял, зато на холиварке нашелся анон, которому тоже показалось, что чувак явно заговаривается.
Правда, по поводу того, что же такой Спектр, мы так и не договорились - я утверждала, что Спектр и есть Изменяющийся, а анон - что это максимум его проекция или "закладка-функция", единственная цель которой - дать наводку на восстановление камеры.
В игре пролог уже поменяли, но видео остались. Вот тут, например, примерно в 7:17 и с 19:15:
Вот здесь, вроде бы, чуть побольше его расспрашивали:
Реплики из файлов игры:
"Hello? Oh, skist. You're dead, aren't you? {muttering to himself}No, that can't be right. If he were dead, I would be too. {beat}Can you hear me?"
"I can't hear anything. Are you even there? Well, if you can hear me, it means you're still alive. {muttering to himself}But you'd already know that, wouldn't you? {louder, to the PC}Look, I'm just going to assume we're both alive and want to stay that way, all right?"
"So here's what you have to do. I can't get to you, so you need to build a way up to me... I don't know how you're going to do that. I mean, this is your mind. It's not like I have a map."
"Ah! This is *your* mind! I bet your memories are down there. Find them, and you'll repair the path up to where I am. {beat} Are... are you there? Ugh, I'm talking to myself here."
"What was that? I can't tell what's real here. Look, build a path *up*. Then we can face this mess together, and you won't be alone. *I* won't be alone."
"The tank? I don't know. All I saw was you put your hand on it and then blast those Sorrow fragments to the stars. But it's *your* mind, right? It was probably some mental connection, like the creatures in those tanks."
"Didn't introduce myself, did I? You can call me a composite - like a mishmash of your thoughts and memories and everything. I remember some things you don't, just like you know some things *I* don't remember. You made me when you hit the ground. Of course you didn't *mean* to make me, but... here I am."
"I'm a part of you, I suppose. I was created when you hit the ground - woke up before you, too. I remember some of what you've forgotten, just like you know things I never learned. Not that I understand what happened, mind you. It's just... one of the things I *know*."
Причем Спектр торчит в лабиринте кастоффа все время и, по всей видимости, как минимум частично может видеть то, что происходит в реальном мире.
Вот, кстати, забавные реплики по этому поводу:
"I found the resonance chamber, but it's broken!"
{mutters}"Yeah, I saw that. {end muttering}I don't see everything you do out there in the real world, but I definitely saw *that*. You have to find a way to fix it."
"Is there anything to do while I'm here?"
"Oh, sure! There's a bar that serves dream whiskey and nightmare ale just two fathoms south of here." He jabs you in the arm with his elbow. "You looked like you believed me there for a second. It's your mind! There's nothing like that here. {mutters}I've looked."
И про то, что его мысли невозможно прочитать:
Something feels odd about this man, but it takes a while to put your finger on it. It's his thoughts. They aren't there - or rather they're there, but they're indistinct, a kind of white noise that blends in too well with the background hush of this place.
"Your thoughts are... fuzzy. Why can't I read them?"
"My thoughts? Oh ho! I didn't know you had *that* in you. I couldn't say for sure, but the simplest answer I can think of is that I *am* thought. Ain't nothing to read!" He gives a hearty laugh. "To tell the truth, you shouldn't expect to read much in the way of thoughts in this place. Most things here aren't real. It'd be like reading your *own* mind."
Все это, конечно, косвенные свидетельства, но в файлах диалогов есть еще более ранние варианты пролога. И тааааам:
The specter of the Changing God stands before you.
Ха! Я была права!![:vict:](
В самых старых версиях пролога на это чуть ли не прямым текстом указывалось:
"There are three things you need to know now. The first is that this is not your real life, and this is not the world. You're in your *mind*. Second, we are hunted by a malevolent force called the Sorrow, which longs to destroy you, me, and all my works. The third is that I have found a way to stop it utterly."
"Consider me the imaginary friend who is trying to keep you from killing yourself. Why don't you call me Adahn? As for destroying my works, this is something we can talk about later... but you have a personal, vested interest in them." He looks like he's trying not to wink at you. "Now let's get started."
"Because your death will set back a solution to a problem that has destroyed lives for thousands of years. If you refuse to help, or if you die, you place all of that in jeopardy." He pauses. "Please. I just want to save your life. You can make other choices later, but right now you need to live."
"I can't stop you now. But please." His mouth works strangely, as if he is not accustomed to *asking*. "I beg of you, reconsider."
"Did the Sorrow's touch damage my brain? What happened in my mind to make this one such an idiot?"
"I'm not stupid. I want to know if I can trust you."
"A wise question. Let me be completely honest with you, then: no. But this is a paradox - how can you trust that I'm being completely honest? On the other hand, you have only two choices right now: trust that I want to save your life, or fear that I wish to destroy you."
"Am I immortal, then?"
A wistful look crosses his face. "No, child. I haven't achieved that yet. Your body can be burned, beaten, scarred, and stabbed, and you can recover from it. But there are ways for you to die, and that fall was almost one of them." He smiles. "But in the meantime, we can chat in the safety of your mind while your body prepares itself."
Ну и еще куча всякого:
His body goes rigid, and he turns away from you so you can't see his face. "Do not *lie* to me, child. Don't presume you can do that." With a visible effort, he unclenches his body and breathes out. He turns back around. "You asked how I came to be here. I will tell *you* the truth."
"I'm sorry, child, but I know of but one way to unlock the part of your mind that will allow you to face the Sorrow. And that is by... well, it's by killing you. This shouldn't hurt." He raises his hand, and darkness falls across your sight.
"I don't believe you."
"I don't care if you believe me or not, child. I'm telling you the truth. Now, here's what you have to do to survive."
И еще интересна реакция Спектра на Потоки. Точнее, не на сами Потоки как таковые, а на то, какого цвета становится кастофф. В описаниях из разряда "у тебя больше вот такого-то и такого-то цвета, это означает наличие того-то и того-то, а значит ты больше всего похож на..." он запинается только в двух случаях - сочетание синий-серебряный и синий-красный:
"You're most attuned to blue and silver, so wisdom and influence, logic and power, insight and renown. That sounds... that sounds powerful, actually."
"You're most attuned to blue and red, so like wisdom and passion, logic and zeal, insight and action. That's... an interesting combination, actually."
Судя по всему, какое-то из этих двух сочетаний у него самого. В варианте, если у кастоффа поровну всех потоков, то Спектр признает, что он сам такого не смог бы достичь. А в ранних вариантах больше всего говорит о синем потоке и упоминает, что начальной целью Изменяющегося был поиск знания.
В общем, вчера я растерзала папку с диалогами из Нуменеры. Спойлеры мне не жмут, а вот узнать ответ на один давно возникший вопрос очень даже хотелось.
Спойлеры.Там правда очень серьезный спойлер, который может все вам порушить.Увиденного не развидеть!Ну все, теперь дороги назад нет.
С самого первого просмотра пролога меня не покидало ощущение, что Спектр явно лжет. Вот просто ЯВНО. Начать хотя бы с его речи во время пробуждения и заканчивая всеми последующими разговорами. Чувак явно знает намного больше, чем рассказывает. Все это слишком не вязалось с "да ладно тебе, я просто кусочек твоего сознания, я это ты".
На реддите и оффоруме мои сомнения как-то никто не разделял, зато на холиварке нашелся анон, которому тоже показалось, что чувак явно заговаривается.
В игре пролог уже поменяли, но видео остались. Вот тут, например, примерно в 7:17 и с 19:15:
Вот здесь, вроде бы, чуть побольше его расспрашивали:
Реплики из файлов игры:
"Hello? Oh, skist. You're dead, aren't you? {muttering to himself}No, that can't be right. If he were dead, I would be too. {beat}Can you hear me?"
"I can't hear anything. Are you even there? Well, if you can hear me, it means you're still alive. {muttering to himself}But you'd already know that, wouldn't you? {louder, to the PC}Look, I'm just going to assume we're both alive and want to stay that way, all right?"
"So here's what you have to do. I can't get to you, so you need to build a way up to me... I don't know how you're going to do that. I mean, this is your mind. It's not like I have a map."
"Ah! This is *your* mind! I bet your memories are down there. Find them, and you'll repair the path up to where I am. {beat} Are... are you there? Ugh, I'm talking to myself here."
"What was that? I can't tell what's real here. Look, build a path *up*. Then we can face this mess together, and you won't be alone. *I* won't be alone."
"The tank? I don't know. All I saw was you put your hand on it and then blast those Sorrow fragments to the stars. But it's *your* mind, right? It was probably some mental connection, like the creatures in those tanks."
"Didn't introduce myself, did I? You can call me a composite - like a mishmash of your thoughts and memories and everything. I remember some things you don't, just like you know some things *I* don't remember. You made me when you hit the ground. Of course you didn't *mean* to make me, but... here I am."
"I'm a part of you, I suppose. I was created when you hit the ground - woke up before you, too. I remember some of what you've forgotten, just like you know things I never learned. Not that I understand what happened, mind you. It's just... one of the things I *know*."
Причем Спектр торчит в лабиринте кастоффа все время и, по всей видимости, как минимум частично может видеть то, что происходит в реальном мире.
Вот, кстати, забавные реплики по этому поводу:
"I found the resonance chamber, but it's broken!"
{mutters}"Yeah, I saw that. {end muttering}I don't see everything you do out there in the real world, but I definitely saw *that*. You have to find a way to fix it."
"Is there anything to do while I'm here?"
"Oh, sure! There's a bar that serves dream whiskey and nightmare ale just two fathoms south of here." He jabs you in the arm with his elbow. "You looked like you believed me there for a second. It's your mind! There's nothing like that here. {mutters}I've looked."
И про то, что его мысли невозможно прочитать:
Something feels odd about this man, but it takes a while to put your finger on it. It's his thoughts. They aren't there - or rather they're there, but they're indistinct, a kind of white noise that blends in too well with the background hush of this place.
"Your thoughts are... fuzzy. Why can't I read them?"
"My thoughts? Oh ho! I didn't know you had *that* in you. I couldn't say for sure, but the simplest answer I can think of is that I *am* thought. Ain't nothing to read!" He gives a hearty laugh. "To tell the truth, you shouldn't expect to read much in the way of thoughts in this place. Most things here aren't real. It'd be like reading your *own* mind."
Все это, конечно, косвенные свидетельства, но в файлах диалогов есть еще более ранние варианты пролога. И тааааам:
The specter of the Changing God stands before you.
Ха! Я была права!
В самых старых версиях пролога на это чуть ли не прямым текстом указывалось:
"There are three things you need to know now. The first is that this is not your real life, and this is not the world. You're in your *mind*. Second, we are hunted by a malevolent force called the Sorrow, which longs to destroy you, me, and all my works. The third is that I have found a way to stop it utterly."
"Consider me the imaginary friend who is trying to keep you from killing yourself. Why don't you call me Adahn? As for destroying my works, this is something we can talk about later... but you have a personal, vested interest in them." He looks like he's trying not to wink at you. "Now let's get started."
"Because your death will set back a solution to a problem that has destroyed lives for thousands of years. If you refuse to help, or if you die, you place all of that in jeopardy." He pauses. "Please. I just want to save your life. You can make other choices later, but right now you need to live."
"I can't stop you now. But please." His mouth works strangely, as if he is not accustomed to *asking*. "I beg of you, reconsider."
"Did the Sorrow's touch damage my brain? What happened in my mind to make this one such an idiot?"
"I'm not stupid. I want to know if I can trust you."
"A wise question. Let me be completely honest with you, then: no. But this is a paradox - how can you trust that I'm being completely honest? On the other hand, you have only two choices right now: trust that I want to save your life, or fear that I wish to destroy you."
"Am I immortal, then?"
A wistful look crosses his face. "No, child. I haven't achieved that yet. Your body can be burned, beaten, scarred, and stabbed, and you can recover from it. But there are ways for you to die, and that fall was almost one of them." He smiles. "But in the meantime, we can chat in the safety of your mind while your body prepares itself."
Ну и еще куча всякого:
His body goes rigid, and he turns away from you so you can't see his face. "Do not *lie* to me, child. Don't presume you can do that." With a visible effort, he unclenches his body and breathes out. He turns back around. "You asked how I came to be here. I will tell *you* the truth."
"I'm sorry, child, but I know of but one way to unlock the part of your mind that will allow you to face the Sorrow. And that is by... well, it's by killing you. This shouldn't hurt." He raises his hand, and darkness falls across your sight.
"I don't believe you."
"I don't care if you believe me or not, child. I'm telling you the truth. Now, here's what you have to do to survive."
И еще интересна реакция Спектра на Потоки. Точнее, не на сами Потоки как таковые, а на то, какого цвета становится кастофф. В описаниях из разряда "у тебя больше вот такого-то и такого-то цвета, это означает наличие того-то и того-то, а значит ты больше всего похож на..." он запинается только в двух случаях - сочетание синий-серебряный и синий-красный:
"You're most attuned to blue and silver, so wisdom and influence, logic and power, insight and renown. That sounds... that sounds powerful, actually."
"You're most attuned to blue and red, so like wisdom and passion, logic and zeal, insight and action. That's... an interesting combination, actually."
Судя по всему, какое-то из этих двух сочетаний у него самого. В варианте, если у кастоффа поровну всех потоков, то Спектр признает, что он сам такого не смог бы достичь. А в ранних вариантах больше всего говорит о синем потоке и упоминает, что начальной целью Изменяющегося был поиск знания.
@темы: Tides of Numenera